What we do

How to create service innovation systematically?

We are researching and developing methodology of the following topics.


Service Design X Management

1.How advanced companies are creating service innovation?

   organizations (climate, goals, evaluation)

   methodologies (methods, process, programs)


2.Develop service design methods for future creation


3.Apply the methods and identify issues for the further research



澤谷 由里子
Founder of Design for All,
Chief Entrepreneur Officer
東京工業大学大学院総合理工学研究科システム科学専攻修了。東京大学大学院総合文化研究科博士課程修了(学術博士)。(株)日本IBM入社。情報技術の研究開発、IBM東京基礎研究所にてサービス研究に従事。科学技術振興機構サービス科学プログラム(S3FIRE)フェロー、早稲田大学教授などを経て、18年4月より現職。経済産業省産業構造審議会商務流通情報分科会「情報経済小委員会」委員「サービス産業の高付加価値化に関する研究会」座長代理「攻めのIT投資評価指標策定委員会」委員等。早稲田大学ビジネススクール非常勤講師、早稲田大学ナノ・ライフ創新研究機構客員上級研究員、INFORMS Service Scienceおよび情報処理学会の編集委員を兼務。Main books: Global Perspectives on Service Science: Japan(Springer), Serviceology for Designing the Future(Springer)
Yuriko Sawatani
Founder of Design for All,
Chief Entrepreneur Officer
Dr. Yuriko Sawatani is a professor at Nagoya University of Commerce and Business, and Director at Entrepreneurship center. She received her Ph.D. at The University of Tokyo. She joined IBM, software research and development. After working at IBM's R&D strategy, she moved to IBM research as a strategist of personal systems. She was assigned to research strategy at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, and started service research since 2005 by leading On Demand Innovation Services. She was appointed to a fellow at Japan Science and Technology Agency, and established service science research in Japan. She joined Waseda University as a professor in 2013, and had lectures at several universities, including Tokyo Institute of Technology. 

Takeshi Narisako

Founder of Design for All,

Chief Engineering Officer

Takeshi Narisako’s wide-ranging career started from his first job as a database specialist for IBM, working his way up through IT infrastructures, data center management, project lead for new business development and start-up, turn-around, and upper management in subsidiaries and affiliates of Itochu Corporation in Japan and Hong Kong, to reach upper executive level positions in the Japan subsidiary of German software marketing firm SAP, a Chinese IT firm and Bit Isle Equinix before starting up of Design for ALL.. Narisako has a detailed understanding of both domestic and overseas affairs, vendors, HR and negotiations, as well as strong skills in both discussions and driving achievements in differentiation with competing firms, IT strategic road map formulation in marketing, sales activity, and user firms, leading and developing related staff, short-term IT business plan formation and delivery, end user adjustments and vendor management. Narisako stays current at conferences and discussions, and has spoken at over 50 open lectures, including 20 in 2017, on the topics of cloud computing, open software, IT strategies, design thinking and generating disrupted innovation. He is also working for DENSO as a director of Digital Innovation Department.

後藤 真理絵

Founder of Design for All,

Chief Ethnography Officer

広告制作会社、マーケティングリサーチ会社を経て、インターネットメディア企業にて、データアナリストとして、クライアント企業向けのマルチビッグデータ分析プロジェクトでPMと分析業務を主導。2018年に、副業としてDesign for ALLを設立。ユーザーインサイトと問題発見のための手法をメイン領域としつつ、サービス化、ビジネス化、マーケティングまでをデザインするメソッドの開発と研究を行う。2016年に PARC(Palo Alto Research Center) Certified Fieldworker 取得。大学や企業向けワークショップにてエスノグラフィやインタビューなど定性的な観点からのユーザーインサイト発見の講義を担当。


Marie Goto

Founder of Design for All,

Chief Ethnography Officer

Ms. GOTO Marie is a Senior Data Analyst at Internet media company. She started her career as a Marketing Researcher in Telecommunication company. After, she moved to Internet media company and leads the Multi-Big-Data Analysis Projects and developed marketing services for clients. In recent years, she founded Design for All as her secondary occupation and works among the development of methods for user insight, service improvement, business planning, and marketing. She is qualified as a PARC(Palo Alto Research Center) Certified Fieldworker and lectured the method for finding user insight in several universities and companies as a Chief Ethnography Officer in Design for All.